Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Releasing an Old Lua Script into the Wild

The following is a lua script I wrote for a dc hub soft named aquilla.
The hubsoft is no longer being developed unless someone else has taken
it up since it was put aside by jove but its a fine hub if u can find
it. Hopefully this will be useful to someone. --code-- function
getip(nick,victim) if not victim[1] then return
"Not enough parameters. Usage: !/+getip nick" elseif victim[2] then
return "Too many parameters. Usage !/+getip nick"
elseif not UserIsOnline(victim[1]) then return
victim[1] .. " is not logged in." end
local loser = victim[1]
local ip = GetUserIP(loser) ChatToNick("",nick,loser.. "'s ip
is: " .. ip) return ""
end RegCommand("getip", "kick",
"Get the ip of the specified user. Usage !/+getip nick")z

Monday, November 1, 2010

Posting via E-mail

Its been quite a while since i was able to post at all so i'm mildly
exited by this. I plan on refocusing now with only one actvive blog,
however I don't see myself ever finding a niche. I plan on posting
whatever I want. So there!
This be a test.